FREE Exploring World Landmarks – Unit Five

June 22, 2017

Bonnie Rose Hudson

Bonnie Rose Hudson

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What special or historic events have taken place at the Reichstag? Who built the Atomium? Why was Machu Picchu built? Explore these and many more questions with Exploring Landmarks Unit 5.

Exploring Landmarks Part Five

7 Featured Landmarks

This 11-page printable includes notebooking pages for seven featured landmarks along with a true/false quiz and a writing prompt for further study. Landmarks included are:

  1. Atomium
  2. Lincoln Memorial
  3. Machu Picchu
  4. Mount Rushmore
  5. Reichstag
  6. Statue of Liberty
  7. Stonehenge

Download your free copy at the bottom of the page!

99 Total World Landmarks to Explore for FREE

This is part 5 of our series on world landmarks. Be sure to continue on to Exploring Landmarks Unit Six below for a FREE download of 7 more famous places to study including the Liberty Bell, the Great Wall of China and more.

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