Learn all about the very first state, Delaware with these resources. Create a full unit study from printables to activities to recipes and more! :: www.homeschoolgiveaways.com

50 States Series: Delaware

200+ Free Printables for Preschool and Kindergarten text with image of colored pencils in cups

200+Free Printables for Preschool and Kindergarten

Whether you're studying insects or ants in particular, this BIG LIST of resources is sure to help you out!! Over 60 printables, crafts, books, recipes & more! :: www.homeschoolgiveaways.com

BIG List of Ant Resources

Here are some great printables, crafts, activities, recipes & MORE to help prepare the hearts of your children for Resurrection Day. :: www.homeschoolgiveaways.com

Palm Sunday, Easter Week & Resurrection Day Resources