How Moms Can Become Boastful & What to Do About It

September 9, 2019

Jeannette Tuionetoa

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I almost spit out my coffee in laughter when I read The Babylon Bee (satire Christian website) article called 7 Easy Steps to Looking Humble While Bragging on Social Media. This is my favorite step to humble myself while I brag on social media:

 3.) Crafting is everything. Be sure to precede your self-spotlighting remark with “honored” or “humbled.” Those two words are pure gold. And throw in a “profoundly” just to be safe. Like this:

 “I am profoundly humbled by the unique opportunity to . . .”—and then tell us why you are so awesome.

How Moms Can Become Boastful & What to Do About It

>> To read all the posts in the “managing our mouths” series, click here

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You run into an old friend and are super excited to talk with them. It’s been so long. How are things going? Chit chat, blah blah. Ever notice that the conversation almost always includes something like, “Johnny scored top of his class in basket weaving.” Or “Lisa taught herself how to build a life-size replica of the arc. You should come to see some time.”

Why?! Why do we say these things?!

If we are being honest here we have heard these things – well, maybe not these things – but subtle references to achievements, status, a new purchase, IQ before. Do they make you cringe sometimes?


I am not saying it is wrong to share things with people, but it is truly important to:

  1. Check your heart before saying them.
  2. Be sensitive about how we share them.
  3. Be mindful of the environment in which we choose to share them.

We all know that mom. If you don’t know this mom, it may be you. Pull up a chair.

We know the mom who has THE best Pinterest birthday parties for her kids. She is the mom who makes the best breakfast, lunch, and dinner – yes, from Pinterest as well. She is the one who keeps her home spotless and her kids have the very best clothes with neatly combed hair. Yes, that mom with the kids who are in every sport and are way above their normative grade level.

How do I know all these things? I know because she told me. She has told everyone in playgroup, church and the women’s fellowship. We ALL know. Bless her heart.

Why do we insist that others know we are doing well, without even being asked?

Still think this isn’t you? Boasting doesn’t only happen in the groups I mentioned above.

How about in the heat of a discussion with your husband? Have you ever found yourself listing off the things that you have done for him, maybe in hopes he will realize what a prize he has?

I have slaved over dinner these last ten years for you. I have followed you across the country for your work. I clean, I cook, I work, I have given you 4 beautiful kids… sounding more and more familiar?


What is boasting anyway?

The best way I have heard boasting defined is through its Greek definition and through God’s perfect Word.

The Greek word translated from 1 Corinthians 13 in the word “boast” means “to brag or point to oneself.”

The apostle Paul describes what love is in 1 Corinthians 13. He says what love AND what love is NOT. One of those things that love is not is “boastful”. Paul talks a great manner of ways about arrogance, which goes hand and hand with being boastful.

Didn’t know you were arrogant, did you? Neither did I?

God says clearly that by boasting you are not loving. If Paul didn’t boast about his sacrifice of serving people and teaching them with no home, no money, etc. — then what in the world is worth us boasting about?

If we were to truly understand the magnificence of who God truly is, we would see ourselves in the right perspective. Any good thing is from Him and Him alone.


As I write this I remember times when I blurted out something boastful, and I am ashamed. There was absolutely no purpose for it. Our speech should draw people nearer to God and to glorify Him. Keeping quiet when we want to burst in a boast is a wise choice.

Will you pray with me about this?

Lord, you have said. “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.”

Lord, let us refrain from talking useless talk that boasts, let us be mindful of those around us and check our heart’s purpose for sharing things with others. Help us be less like our sinful nature and more like you.


How Moms Can Become Boastful & What to Do About It

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