10 Reasons Why Homeschool Moms Need a Bullet Journal

September 9, 2019

Abby Banks

Abby Banks

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Have you heard about the amazing benefits of using a bullet journal as a homeschool mom? Here are 10 reasons why you need one.

Bullet Journals are the perfect planning solution for homeschool moms. Here are 10 reasons why.

It’s a flexible system

Homeschooling requires flexibility, so your planner needs to offer the same. It needs to be able to accommodate your planning style, your on-top-of-homeschooling responsibilities, and your specific homeschool needs.

Who knows you better than you know yourself?

Exactly! That’s why a bullet journal is a great option for homeschool moms. It’s basically a DIY planner. Made for your specific needs.

And if you need to change mid-year with some plans? No problem! Start a new page in the bullet journal and get to it.

It’s a customizable system

Because bullet journals offer the ultimate in DIY planning, you can customize it to your unique needs.

Many of us wear multiple hats. And even if you’re “only” a homeschool mom, there are dozens of components that you likely want to keep track of. Am I right?

Things like:

  • Book lists
  • Field trip ideas
  • Curriculum lists
  • Prices of future curriculum purchases
  • Meal plans
  • Chore charts
  • Co-op schedules
  • Lists of favorite homeschool blogs

With a bullet journal, you can create the system that works for you. Some of us are list girls, some are habit tracking gurus, and some are all about inspirational quotes and doodling in bright colors.

The beauty of the bullet journal is that it is customizable for YOU. You don’t have to fit into someone else’s preset planner.

Everything is in one place

I’ve done the planning system before where I have a homeschool notebook, a meal planning system, a list of books we want to buy, and then the information for my side businesses is somewhere else completely. 

And my brain is as scattered as my information.

Not with a bullet journal! I keep my whole life in that thing. And it’s all conveniently in one place.

It gives you a place for homeschool vision

Take the ideas you get from Pinterest, from your best friend, or from your favorite homeschool blogger, and distill them down into a homeschool vision plan – which fits in your bullet journal!

Here’s an example of our almost-complete high school plan: 

Homeschool High School schedule image

This is never set in stone, but at least there’s a written plan.

You can be productive when you’re out of the house

If  you need to run out to the doctor’s office with your kids and know you’ll have some downtime, just grab your one planner and get some work done while you wait. Because now that you have a bullet journal, everything is in one place, right?

No more grabbing random scraps of paper with lists jotted on them. 

Your vision boards, your calendar, your lists, and your brainstorming sheets are all in the bullet journal.

Clearing your head with brainstorming is valuable

Ever have a hard time falling asleep because of all the ideas in your head? A great practice is to regularly brainstorm or brain-dump all that information onto a sheet of paper. 

When you have a bullet journal, you can have a brainstorming session right in the journal, and move ideas from your brainstorm to the appropriate list, calendar, or tracking page.

New habits are easier to track & keep

The majority of us fall off the bandwagon pretty quickly when starting a new habit. Most of the time it’s because we aren’t keeping track of it on paper.

There’s something magical that happens when you have to write it down. Bullet journals provide inspirational places to keep track of your new habits.

What kinds of habit trackers could you include? Consider these ideas:

  • Reading
  • Drinking water
  • Pounds lost
  • Counting calories
  • Mood
  • Budgeting / spending
  • Devotions
  • Gratitude journal
  • Self-care
  • Cleaning
  • Work out
  • And more!

It will help you declutter your paper clutter

Having a bullet journal has decreased the paper clutter in my life. All the sticky notes or random list papers get transferred to my bullet journal and I know where to find all that information now.

Your 168 hours are more obvious

Remember, you need to think of your time in weekly 168 hour chunks rather than 24 hour days. This mindset shift will rock your world! It’s the magic of 168 hours.

And the beauty of bullet journaling is that it will make your 168 hours more obvious to you because rather than compartmentalizing all your responsibilities into their own separate planning systems, you will have all that data in one place.

So, yes, I’m telling you that I think bullet journaling will make you more productive! Try it and see if you agree.

It’s inexpensive to use

It’s kind of crazy to me to see the price of some planners! I’m a thrifty girl at heart, so bullet journals are a great fit. You can get a great one for less than $10 on Amazon. Add a few fun felt tip pens in great colors, and you’re all set!

Want to learn more about bullet journals for homeschool moms? Check out my posts and see pictures of my bullet journal at 4onemore.com

Bullet Journals are the perfect option for homeschool moms!  See why.


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